Inactive Bond Crowd — A group of exchange members who buys and sells bonds, that are infrequently traded. Limit orders placed by the inactive bond crowd, may take a longer period of time to fill, due to the absence of frequent trading. The opposite of inactive bond… … Investment dictionary
Active Bond — A bond or other fixed income security that is frequently traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Active bond orders are typically filled quickly due to the presence of higher demand from investors and generally have lower bid ask spreads. Active… … Investment dictionary
inactive stock/bond — A security that trade in very small volume on a daily basis. See:: illiquid. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
List of James Bond allies in You Only Live Twice — This is a list of James Bond s allies in the film You Only Live Twice. Contents 1 Recurring allies 2 Aki 3 Dikko Henderson 3.1 Biography (novel) … Wikipedia
Automated Bond System - ABS — The electronic system on the NYSE that records bids and offers for inactively traded bonds until they are canceled or executed. Because the bid and ask prices of inactively traded bonds aren t constantly changing due to demand and supply… … Investment dictionary
Cabinet Crowd — Members of the NYSE that typically trade in inactive bonds. Also known as the inactive bond crowd or book crowd. The name cabinet crowd arises from the fact that these members will typically enter limit orders for transacting these bonds which… … Investment dictionary
кабинетные инвесторы, кабинетная толпа — Члены Нью Йоркской фондовой биржи (New York Stock Exchange, NYSE), занимающиеся операциями с неходовыми облигациями. Их также наз. inactive bond crowd или book crowd. Лимитные приказы (limit orders) на покупку и продажу этих облигаций хранятся в… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
толпа — Группа членов биржи, занимающихся определенным видом операций. Они, как правило, собираются вокруг некоторого торгового киоска, где исполняются приказы. Существуют такие группы, как биржевые брокеры (специалисты), биржевые торговцы, дилеры по… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
Commonwealth Oil Refining Company, Inc. — Inactive CORCO Refinery, seen from highway in 2005 Commonwealth Oil Refining Company, Inc. (CORCO) was an oil refinery established in the towns of Peñuelas and Guayanilla in Puerto Rico in the middle of the 20th century. The project started as… … Wikipedia
Bcr-Abl tyrosine-kinase inhibitor — Bcr Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) are the first line therapy for most patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). In more than 90% cases CML is caused by chromosomal abnormality resulting in the formation of a so called Philadelphia… … Wikipedia
Cannabinoid receptor antagonist — The discovery of the endogenous cannabinoid system led to the development of CB1 receptor antagonists. The first cannabinoid receptor antagonist, rimonabant, was described in 1994. Rimonabant blocks the CB1 receptor selectively and it has been… … Wikipedia